鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶄綅缃細 棣栭爜(y猫) > 鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│ > 鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│鍌欒€冭硣鏂� > 2013骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾�(y菙)(涓€)鑰冨墠瑕侀粸(di菐n)寰�(f霉)缈�(x铆)Unit3


鏇存柊鏅�(sh铆)闁擄細2013-03-27 14:04:19 渚�(l谩i)婧愶細|0 鐎忚0鏀惰棌0

鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│鍫�(b脿o)鍚�銆佽€冭│銆佹煡鍒嗘檪(sh铆)闁� 鍏嶈不(f猫i)鐭俊鎻愰啋


鐛插彇椹�(y脿n)璀� 绔嬪嵆闋�(y霉)绱�




鎽樿 2013骞�4鏈堣嚜鑰冭嫳瑾�(y菙)(涓€)鑰冨墠瑕侀粸(di菐n)寰�(f霉)缈�(x铆)Unit3

銆€銆€Unit3 Text A The Altoantic Ocean


銆€銆€1. unwilling adj.涓嶆儏鎰跨殑锛屼笉鎰挎剰鐨�;鍕夊挤(qi谩ng)鐨�

銆€銆€Selfish as she is锛� she is unwilling to share anything with others.銆€(濂瑰緢鑷锛屼笉鎰挎剰鑸囦粬浜哄垎浜换浣曟澅瑗裤€�)

銆€銆€He was unwilling to give up halfway even though there might be more difficulties ahead.(鐩$鍓嶉潰鍙兘鏈夎ū澶氬洶闆�锛屼絾浠栦笉鎰挎剰涓€旀斁妫�銆�)

銆€銆€They got some unwilling assistance from the local government.銆€(鍦版柟鏀垮簻鍕夊挤(qi谩ng)绲︿簡浠栧€戜竴浜涘崝(xi茅)鍔�銆�)

銆€銆€2. equator n.璧ら亾

銆€銆€Ecuador is near the equator.(鍘勭摐澶氱埦闈犺繎璧ら亾銆�)

銆€銆€People used to believe that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.


銆€銆€3. bulge n.涓嶈(gu墨)鍓囩獊璧�;榧撹捣涔嬭檿;(绐佺劧)涓婃疾锛屽澶� 銆€銆€銆€銆€v.浣胯啫鑴�;濉炴豢

銆€銆€Between the bulge of South America and the bulge of Africa lies the narrowest place of the Atlantic Ocean. (澶цタ娲嬬殑鏈€鐙圭獎铏曚綅浜庡崡缇庢床鐨勭獊璧疯檿鍜岄潪娲茬殑绐佽捣铏曚箣闁撱€�)

銆€銆€The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate in the year of dragon.銆€(鍦栬〃椤ず榫嶅勾鍑虹敓鐜囩殑鏆村銆�)

銆€銆€His schoolbag was bulging with apples when he came back from his uncle's orchard.(浠栧緸鍙斿彅鐨勬灉鍦掑洖渚�(l谩i)鏅�(sh铆)鏇�(sh奴)鍖呴噷榧撻紦鍥婂泭瑁濇豢浜嗚構(p铆ng)鏋溿€�)

銆€銆€4. unusual adj. 灏戞湁鐨�;涓嶅皨甯哥殑;鑸囩溇涓嶅悓鐨�锛岀崹(d煤)鐗圭殑

銆€銆€It was not unusual for him to work very late every night.銆€(姣忓ぉ宸ヤ綔鍒版繁澶滃皪(du矛)浠栦締(l谩i)瑾�(shu艒)鏄緢骞冲父鐨勪簨銆�)

銆€銆€He has an unusual name.(浠栨湁涓€鍊�(g猫)涓嶅皨甯哥殑鍚嶅瓧銆�)

銆€銆€It is unusual to see snow in this region.(閫欏€�(g猫)鍦板崁(q奴)闆e緱涓嬮洩銆�)

銆€銆€This young man has an unusual talent for organization.(閫欏€�(g猫)骞磋紩浜烘湁闈炲嚒鐨勭祫绻旀墠鑳�)銆�

銆€銆€5. salty adj. 鍜哥殑锛屽惈楣界殑 salt n. 楣�;棰�(f膿ng)瓒� 銆€銆€v. 鐢ㄩ菇瑾�(di脿o)鍛�;鐢ㄩ菇鑵�;鎾掗菇浜庨亾璺笂

銆€銆€He didn't have much for dinner as the dishes were too salty.銆€(浠栨櫄椁愬悆鐨勪笉澶�锛屽洜?y脿n)妞撮顐屽鎭�?

銆€銆€It might be a good idea to wash these in salty water.銆€(鎶婇€欎簺鏀惧湪楣芥按閲屾礂涓€娲椾篃瑷辨槸鍊�(g猫)濂戒富鎰忋€�)

銆€銆€He added a bit more salt to the soup to make it tastier.銆€(鐐轰簡浣挎汞鐨勫懗閬撴洿濂�锛屼粬鍙堝姞浜嗕竴榛�(di菐n)楣姐€�)

銆€銆€His wit added salt to the discussion.銆€(浠栫殑濡欒獮(y菙)浣胯◣璜栧娣讳簡棰�(f膿ng)瓒�銆�)

銆€銆€Have you salted the potato?(浣犲線鍦熻眴閲屽姞浜嗛菇浜嗗棊?)

銆€銆€It took them a long time to salt the main roads.銆€(浠栧€戣姳浜嗗ソ闀�(zh菐ng)鏅�(sh铆)闁撴墠鍦ㄤ富瑕佸叕璺笂鎾掍笂楣�銆�)

銆€銆€grind salt in sb.'s wounds 鍦ㄦ煇浜哄偡鍙d笂鎾掗菇锛屼娇鏌愪汉鐥涗笂鍔犵棝

銆€銆€with a grain of salt銆€鍗婁俊鍗婄枒鍦�

銆€銆€Salt Lake City銆€楣芥箹鍩�(缇庡湅(gu贸)灏や粬宸炲窞搴�)

銆€銆€salt mine銆€楣界う銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ salt shaker銆€(鐡惰搵涓婃湁绱�(x矛)瀛旂敤浜庡嫽鎾掔殑)楣界摱

銆€銆€salt spreader銆€鎾掗菇杌娿€€銆€銆€a saltwater lake銆€鍜告按婀�

銆€銆€saltwater fish銆€娴风敘(ch菐n)銆€銆€銆€銆€a salted egg銆€鍜歌泲

銆€銆€璜�(q菒ng)娉ㄦ剰锛氬舰瀹硅salty鏄敱鍚嶈 salt鍔犲舰瀹硅鍚庣洞 -y妲�(g貌u)鎴愮殑銆傞€欐ǎ鐨勫舰瀹硅鍦ㄨ嫳瑾�(y菙)涓倓鏈夊緢澶�锛屽锛歸indy锛宻nowy锛宺ainy锛宑loudy锛宻unny锛宖unny锛宮uddy锛宖oggy鈥�

銆€銆€6. average n. 骞冲潎鏁�(sh霉)锛屽钩鍧囥€€銆€ adj. 骞冲潎鐨�;骞冲父鐨�锛屾櫘閫氱殑銆€銆€ v. 骞冲潎

銆€銆€The average of 5锛�7 and 9 is 7. (5锛�7锛�9鐨勫钩鍧囨暩(sh霉)鏄�7.)

銆€銆€He receives an average of 50 calls a day.(浠栧钩鍧囨瘡澶╂帴鍒�50鍊�(g猫)闆昏┍銆�)

銆€銆€Mr. Brown could hardly believe that his son's work at school is below the average.(甯冩湕鍏堢敓骞句箮鐒�(w煤)娉曠浉淇′粬鍏掑瓙鐨勫(xu茅)缈�(x铆)鎴愮妇(j墨)浣庝簬涓€鑸按骞�銆�)

銆€銆€The average temperature yesterday was below zero.(鏄ㄥぉ鐨勫钩鍧囨埃婧湪闆跺害浠ヤ笅銆�)

銆€銆€He is an average student in his class.(浠栨槸鐝笂鐨勪竴鑸(xu茅)鐢熴€�)

銆€銆€A man of average height came to see you today.(浠婂ぉ鏈変竴浣嶄腑绛夎韩鏉愮殑浜轰締(l谩i)鐪嬩綘銆�)

銆€銆€He averages one pack of cigarettes a day.(浠栧钩鍧囨瘡澶╂娊涓€鍖呴鐓�銆�)

銆€銆€The annual rainfall here averages 700mm.(閫欓噷鐨勫勾闄嶉洦閲忓钩鍧囩偤700姣背銆�)

銆€銆€7. spot n.鍦伴粸(di菐n)锛岃檿鎵€;榛�(di菐n)锛屾枒榛�(di菐n)銆€ v. 榛�(di菐n)缍�;瑾�(r猫n)鍑�;婧�(zh菙n)纰哄畾浣嶃€€ adj. 鐣�(d膩ng)鍫�(ch菐ng)浣滃嚭鐨�;鐝�(xi脿n)浠樼殑

銆€銆€She toured many scenic spots during the holiday.(鍋囨棩閲屽ス娓歌浜嗚ū澶氶ⅷ(f膿ng)鏅嫕鍦�銆�)

銆€銆€She told us the exact spot where the accident happened.銆€(濂规妸浜嬫晠鐧�(f膩)鐢熺殑婧�(zh菙n)纰哄湴榛�(di菐n)鍛婅ù浜嗘垜鍊�銆�)

銆€銆€She decided on a blue tie with white spot for her husband.銆€(濂圭郸涓堝か閬镐簡涓€姊濊棈(l谩n)搴曠櫧榛�(di菐n)鐨勯牁(l菒ng)甯�銆�)

銆€銆€There is a spot of ink on the white wall.(鐧藉⒒涓婃湁澧ㄦ按婕�銆�)

銆€銆€He didn't want to leave a spot on his reputation.(浠栦笉鎯冲湪鍚嶈(y霉)涓婄暀涓嬫薄榛�(di菐n)銆�)

銆€銆€The night sky is spotted with twinkling stars.(闁冪垗鐨勬槦鏄熼粸(di菐n)缍磋憲澶滅┖銆�)

銆€銆€His shoes are spotted with mud.(浠栫殑闉嬪瓙涓婃湁娉ユ棘銆�)

銆€銆€She is so special锛� you can spot her in the crowd easily.銆€(濂瑰緢鐗瑰垾锛屼綘鍦ㄤ汉缇や腑鑳戒竴鐪艰獚(r猫n)鍑哄ス渚�(l谩i)銆�)

銆€銆€He was sent to spot the battery position of the enemy.(浠栬娲惧幓娓�(c猫)瀹氭暤鐐櫍鍦般€�)

銆€銆€She was urged to make a spot decision.(濂硅鍌績鐣�(d膩ng)鍫�(ch菐ng)鍋氭焙瀹�銆�)

銆€銆€on the spot銆€鐣�(d膩ng)鍫�(ch菐ng)锛屽湪鐝�(xi脿n)鍫�(ch菐ng)銆€銆€銆€in a spot銆€鍦ㄥ洶澧冧腑锛屽湪绐樺涓�

銆€銆€put sb. on the spot銆€浣挎煇浜鸿檿浜庨洠鍫湴浣�

銆€銆€put one's finger on sb.'s weak spot銆€鎸囧嚭鏌愪汉鎬ф牸涓婄殑寮遍粸(di菐n)

銆€銆€spot check銆€鎶芥ǎ妾㈡煡銆€銆€銆€spot survey 鎶芥ǎ瑾�(di脿o)鏌�


銆€銆€spot news銆€鐝�(xi脿n)鍫�(ch菐ng)鍫�(b脿o)閬撶殑鏂拌仦銆€銆€銆€spot price 鐝�(xi脿n)璨ㄥ児(ji脿)

銆€銆€8. range n. 灞辫剤;骞呭害锛岃寖鍦� v.(鍦ㄦ煇鑼冨湇鍏�(n猫i))璁婂嫊(d貌ng)锛岃畩鍖�;鎶娾€︽帓鍒楁垚琛�

銆€銆€One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic.(涓栫晫鏈€闀�(zh菐ng)鐨勫北鑴堝緸澶цタ娲嬫磱搴曡伋璧�銆�)

銆€銆€The age range is from 45 to 65.(骞撮健骞呭害鍦�45姝茶嚦65姝蹭箣闁�銆�)

銆€銆€He is not very clear about his range of responsibility.(浠栧皪(du矛)鑷繁鐨勮铂(z茅)浠昏寖鍦嶅苟涓嶆竻妤�銆�)

銆€銆€The question you asked is out of my range.(浣犲晱(w猫n)鐨勫晱(w猫n)椤屾垜涓嶆噦銆�)

銆€銆€Prices of gasoline range from one dollar to one dollar and twenty a gallon.(姹芥补鐨勫児(ji脿)鏍煎緸1缇庡厓鑷�1缇庡厓20缇庡垎1鍔犱緰涓嶇瓑銆�)

銆€銆€The tiger-sharks range in length from nine feet to fourteen feet.銆€(铏庨鐨勯珨闀�(zh菐ng)寰�9鑻卞昂鍒�14鑻卞昂涓嶇瓑銆�)

銆€銆€The puddings are neatly ranged on the shelf.(甯冧竵鏁撮綂鍦版帓鍒楀湪鏋跺瓙涓娿€�)

銆€銆€medium-range missile銆€涓▼灏�(d菐o)褰堛€€銆€銆€wide range of interests銆€鑸堣叮寤f硾

銆€銆€at close range銆€鎺ヨ繎鍦般€€銆€銆€in/within range銆€鍦ㄥ皠绋嬪収(n猫i)

銆€銆€9. peak n. 灞卞嘲;闋傞粸(di菐n)

銆€銆€The mountain peak is covered with snow all the year.(灞卞嘲绲傚勾绌嶉洩銆�)

銆€銆€His career is at its peak now锛� no wonder he will make greater achievement.(浠栫殑浜嬫キ(y猫)姝h檿浜庨紟鐩涙檪(sh铆)鏈�锛屾鐒�(w煤)鐤戝晱(w猫n)锛屼粬鏈�(hu矛)鍙栧緱鏇村ぇ鐨勬垚灏�銆�)

銆€銆€10. vessel n. 鑸癸紝鑹�;瀹瑰櫒锛屽櫒鐨�

銆€銆€an ocean-going vessel銆€閬�(yu菐n)娲嬭吉銆€銆€an escort vessel銆€璀�(h霉)琛�(w猫i)鑹�

銆€銆€a fishing vessel銆€婕佽埞銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€a drinking vessel銆€椋插叿

銆€銆€11. crew n. 鍏ㄩ珨鑸瑰摗锛屽叏楂旀(j墨)鍕�(w霉)浜哄摗

銆€銆€The crew was (were) annoyed at the captain's decision.(鑸瑰摗鍊戝皪(du矛)鑸归暦(zh菐ng)鐨勬焙瀹氭劅鍒版儽鐏�銆�)

銆€銆€The aircraft has a crew of 6.(閫欐灦椋涙(j墨)鏈�6鍚嶆(j墨)绲勪汉鍝°€�)

銆€銆€All 312 passengers and 6 crew members died in the plane crash.(312鍚嶄箻瀹㈠拰6鍚嶆(j墨)绲勪汉鍝″湪椋涙(j墨)澶变簨涓柂鐢�銆�)

銆€銆€12. becalm v.(甯哥敤琚嫊(d貌ng)瑾�(y菙)鎱�(t脿i))(鎸囧竼鑸�)鍥犵劇(w煤)棰�(f膿ng)鑰屽仠姝㈠墠閫�(j矛n)

銆€銆€In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed on the ocean.(鍦ㄤ娇鐢ㄥ竼鑸圭殑鏅�(sh铆)浠o紝鑸瑰摗鍊戞摂(d膩n)蹇冧粬鍊戞渻(hu矛)鍥�?y脿n)闂妎(w煤)棰�(f膿ng)鑰岀劇(w煤)娉曞湪娴锋磱涓婅埅琛�銆�)

銆€銆€He was becalmed for a whole week north of the island.銆€(浠栧湪娴峰扯鍖楅潰鍥犵劇(w煤)棰�(f膿ng)鑰屽仠娉婁簡鏁存暣涓€鍛ㄣ€�)

銆€銆€13. gulf n. 娴风仯;闅旈枴;榇绘簼

銆€銆€Can you tell me for sure who was the real winner of the Gulf War?(浣犺兘纰哄畾鍦板憡瑷存垜瑾�(shu铆)鏄捣鐏f埌(zh脿n)鐖�(zh膿ng)鐨勭湡姝h磸瀹跺棊?)

銆€銆€The quarrel left a gulf between the two close friends.銆€(閭e牬(ch菐ng)鐖�(zh膿ng)鍚靛湪鍏╀綅濂藉弸闁撻€犳垚浜嗛殧闁�銆�)

銆€銆€the Persian Gulf銆€娉㈡柉鐏c€€銆€銆€the Gulf of Mexico銆€澧ㄨタ鍝ョ仯

銆€銆€Gulf Stream銆€鐏f祦锛屽ⅷ瑗垮摜鐏f祦

銆€銆€14. stream n. 灏忔渤锛屾邯娴� 銆€銆€v. 娴侊紝娑�

銆€銆€They had a walk along the bank of the stream.(浠栧€戞部钁楁渤宀告暎姝�銆�)

銆€銆€Lots of tree leaves are floating along with the stream.(瑷卞妯�(sh霉)钁夋闅ㄨ憲姘存祦婕傛诞銆�)

銆€銆€Tourists came into the cave in a steady stream.(娓稿鍊�?c猫)涓涘簥绮╁棢鍓(j矛n)鍏ュ北娲�銆�)

銆€銆€Tears streamed down her cheeks when she heard the news.(鐣�(d膩ng)濂硅伣(t墨ng)鍒伴偅鍊�(g猫)娑堟伅鏅�(sh铆)锛屾窔姘撮爢钁楄噳闋版祦浜嗕笅渚�(l谩i)銆�)

銆€銆€He didn't even frown when blood streamed from his wound.銆€(琛€寰炲偡鍙f秾鍑烘檪(sh铆)锛屼粬閫g湁闋兘娌�(m茅i)鐨轰竴涓�銆�)

銆€銆€a stream of cold air銆€涓€鑲″喎绌烘埃銆€銆€銆€a stream of people銆€涓€鑲′汉娴�

銆€銆€a stream of lies銆€涓€涓茶瑠瑷€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ a stream of good ideas銆€涓€绯诲垪濂戒富鎰�

銆€銆€a stream of light銆€涓€閬撳厜绶氥€€銆€銆€銆€銆€stream of consciousness銆€鎰忚瓨(sh铆)娴�

銆€銆€go against the stream銆€閫嗘疆娴佽€屽嫊(d貌ng)銆€銆€ go with the stream銆€闅ㄦ尝閫愭祦

銆€銆€stream-lined cars 娴佺窔鍨嬫苯杌�

銆€銆€15. current n. (绌烘埃锛屾按绛夌殑)娴侊紝娼祦;闆绘祦;鍌惧悜銆€銆€ adj. 鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶇殑锛岄€氳鐨�

銆€銆€The child had been swept away by the current.(瀛╁瓙琚按娴佸嵎璧颁簡銆�)

銆€銆€A steady current of heated air rose from the mountain top.銆€(涓€鑲$啽姘e緸灞遍爞婧愭簮涓嶆柗鍗囪捣銆�)

銆€銆€There was a powerful electric current running through the wires.銆€(涓€鑲″挤(qi谩ng)澶х殑闆绘祦娴侀亷(gu貌)闆荤窔銆�)

銆€銆€Mass media influence the current of public opinion.(澶х溇鍌冲獟褰遍熆杓胯珫鐨勫偩鍚�銆�)

銆€銆€Give me a current issue of Reader's Digest.(绲︽垜涓€鏈渶杩戜竴鏈熺殑璁€鑰呮枃鎽�銆�)

銆€銆€A long time ago锛� it was a current belief that the earth was flat.銆€(寰堜箙浠ュ墠锛屼汉鍊戞櫘閬嶇浉淇″湴鐞冩槸鎵佸钩銆�)

銆€銆€the main current銆€涓绘祦銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€a warm current 鏆栨祦

銆€銆€an alternating current銆€浜ゆ祦闆汇€€銆€銆€a direct current銆€鐩存祦闆�

銆€銆€current events銆€鏅�(sh铆)浜嬨€€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ current situation銆€鐣�(d膩ng)鍓嶅舰鍕�(sh矛)

銆€銆€16. affect v. 褰遍熆;鎵撳嫊(d貌ng);(鐤剧梾)渚佃ゲ effect n. 鏁堟灉;浣滅敤锛屽奖闊�;

銆€銆€His mood was greatly affected by the sad news. 銆€(閭e€�(g猫)鎮茬棝鐨勬秷鎭娇浠栫殑蹇冪窉澶у彈褰遍熆銆�)

銆€銆€Computers affect our life in many ways.(瑷�(j矛)绠楁(j墨)鍦ㄨū澶氭柟闈㈠奖闊挎垜鍊戠殑鐢熸椿銆�)

銆€銆€Reading in dim light constantly will surely affect the eyes.(缍�(j墨ng)甯稿湪鏄忔殫鐨勫厜绶氫笅鐪嬫浉(sh奴)鑲畾鏈�(hu矛)灏�(du矛)鐪肩潧鏈夊奖闊裤€�)

銆€銆€The child was affected with high fever.(瀛╁瓙鐧�(f膩)楂樼噿浜�銆�)

銆€銆€The color gives the effect of being warm.(閫欓鑹茬郸浜轰互鏆栨劅銆�)

銆€銆€The wonderful sky effect on the festival night impressed everybody.


銆€銆€I just hope this medicine won't have serious side-effect.銆€(鎴戝彧甯屾湜閫欑ó钘ユ矑(m茅i)鏈夊毚(y谩n)閲嶇殑鍓綔鐢ㄣ€�)

銆€銆€sound effect銆€闊抽熆鏁堟灉銆€銆€銆€three-dimensional effect 绔嬮珨鎰�

銆€銆€lighting effect銆€鐕堝厜鏁堟灉銆€銆€ cause and effect銆€鍥犳灉

銆€銆€no effects銆€鐒�(w煤)瀛樻(閵€琛屽湪绌洪牠鏀エ涓婄殑鎵硅獮(y菙))

銆€銆€be of no effect鐒�(w煤)鏁堛€€銆€銆€銆€銆€bring sth. to effect銆€瀵�(sh铆)琛�锛屽(sh铆)鏂�

銆€銆€in effect瀵�(sh铆)闅涗笂銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€take effect銆€瑕�(ji脿n)鏁�;鐢熸晥

銆€銆€17. climate n. 姘e€�

銆€銆€The change in climate might be one of the causes for the extinction of dinosaurs.


銆€銆€In cold climates锛� some of the livestock have to be kept indoors all winter.


銆€銆€In the present economic climate we can make greater achievement.


銆€銆€weather n. 澶╂埃

銆€銆€The football match had to be put off because of bad weather.銆€(鐢变簬澶╂埃涓嶅ソ锛岃冻鐞冩瘮璩借鎺ㄩ伈浜�銆�)

銆€銆€What's the weather like in Hangzhou? I hope it is not as hot there.(鏉窞鐨勫ぉ姘f€庝箞妯�?甯屾湜閭e厭涓嶉偅涔堢啽銆�)

銆€銆€18. flow n. 娴� 銆€ v. 娴佸嫊(d貌ng)

銆€銆€Heavy rains brought mud flows down the mountain. (鏆撮洦鎶婃偿娴佹矕涓嬩簡灞�銆�)

銆€銆€The doctor stopped the flow of blood. (閱�(y墨)鐢熸妸琛€姝綇浜�銆�)

銆€銆€The river flows east into the sea. (閫欐娌冲悜鏉辨祦鍏ュぇ娴�銆�)

銆€銆€19. furnish v. 渚涙噳(y墨ng)锛屾彁渚�;瑁濆倷锛�(鐢ㄥ鍏�)甯冪疆

銆€銆€The school has decided to furnish the library with some new books.銆€(瀛�(xu茅)鏍℃焙瀹氱郸鍦栨浉(sh奴)椁ㄦ彁渚涗竴浜涙柊鏇�(sh奴)銆�)

銆€銆€They furnished all the passengers with life jackets. (浠栧€�?y艒u)妯楊媱姊版煇涓濆悶宄佲敋澹尅闅�?

銆€銆€She wants to furnish her new house with modern furniture.(濂规兂鐢ㄦ檪(sh铆)鏂板鍏峰竷缃柊瀹�銆�)

銆€銆€20. highway n. 鍏矾; (姘撮櫢)浜ら€氬共绶�

銆€銆€The canal was the only highway for commerce.(閫欐閬�(yu菐n)娌虫槸鍞竴鐨勫晢妤�(y猫)璺窔銆�)

銆€銆€You can find many motels along the highways.(鍦ㄩ珮閫熷叕璺部绶氫綘鏈�(hu矛)鐪嬪埌瑷卞姹借粖鏃呴え銆�)

銆€銆€21. float v.(浣�)婕傛诞

銆€銆€Colorful flags are floating in the morning breeze.(褰╂棗鍦ㄦ櫒棰�(f膿ng)涓钑┿€�)

銆€銆€When winter comes yellow leaves float down.(鍐ぉ鍒颁締(l谩i)鏅�(sh铆)锛岄粌钁夐钀�銆�)

銆€銆€It will be much easier for you to float the logs down the river.(浣犲€戞妸鏈ㄦ潗闋嗘祦涓嬫紓灏囨渻(hu矛)瀹规槗寰楀銆�)



銆€銆€1. 鍙嶆剰瑭炲墠缍磚n- 銆€銆€銆€unusual锛寀nwilling

銆€銆€2. 褰㈠瑭炲悗缍�-y 銆€銆€銆€salty

銆€銆€3. 鍚嶈鍚庣洞-or 銆€銆€銆€sailor

銆€銆€Compounding 銆€銆€(鍚堣娉�)

銆€銆€1. 寰�(f霉)鍚堝悕瑭� 銆€銆€銆€highway锛宻teamship锛宎irplane

銆€銆€2. 寰�(f霉)鍚堝舰瀹硅 銆€銆€銆€mid-Atlantic锛宔astward


銆€銆€The Atlantic Ocean鍚戣畝鑰呬粙绱逛簡鏈夐棞(gu膩n)澶цタ娲嬬殑鎯呮硜銆傛垜鍊戝彲浠ヤ簡瑙h埅琛屽ぇ瑗挎磱鐨勯亷(gu貌)鍘诲拰鐝�(xi脿n)鍦�锛屼篃鍙互浜嗚В澶цタ娲嬧€滃埗閫犫€濆嚭渚�(l谩i)鐨勪笘鐣屼箣鏈€銆�


銆€銆€1. The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

銆€銆€鍦ㄨ〃绀烘渤娴�锛屾捣娲嬶紝缇ゅ扯锛屾矙婕犵瓑鍦扮悊鍚嶇ū鐨勫悕瑭炲墠锛屼互鍙婁互寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)褰㈠紡鍑虹従(xi脿n)鐨勫湅(gu贸)鍚嶅墠瑕佺敤瀹氬啝瑭烇紝渚嬪锛歵he Yellow River(榛冩渤)锛宼he Pacific Ocean(澶钩娲�)锛宼he British Isles (涓嶅垪椤涚兢宄�)锛宼he Sahara(鎾掑搱鎷夋矙婕�)锛宼he Alps(闃跨埦鍗戞柉灞辫剤)锛� the Philippines (鑿插垪璩�)

銆€銆€鍦ㄨ〃绀烘煇涓€搴у北锛屽扯宥兼垨鏌愪竴鍊�(g猫)婀栨檪(sh铆)涓嶇敤瀹氬啝瑭�锛屼緥濡傦細Yellow Mountain(榛冨北)锛孡ake Erie(浼婂埄婀�)锛孒ainan Island(娴峰崡宄�)

銆€銆€one of +寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈鏄嫳瑾�(y菙)涓父瑕�(ji脿n)鐨勭敤娉�锛岃珛(q菒ng)缈昏涓嬮潰鐨勫彞瀛愶細

銆€銆€She is one of the most hardworking students in our class.銆€(濂规槸鎴戝€戠彮瀛�(xu茅)缈�(x铆)鏈€鍒昏嫤鐨勫(xu茅)鐢熶箣涓€銆�)

銆€銆€Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.(涓婃捣鏄笘鐣屾渶澶х殑鍩庡競涔嬩竴銆�)

銆€銆€鍗板害鏄笘鐣屼笂浜哄彛鏈€澶氱殑鍦�(gu贸)瀹朵箣涓€?锛�?India is one of the countries with the largest population in the world.)

銆€銆€灏肩緟娌虫槸涓栫晫涓婃渶闀�(zh菐ng)鐨勬渤娴佷箣涓€銆�(Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world.)

銆€銆€鍦╫ne of +寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈+瀹氳獮(y菙)寰炲彞鐨勭祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)涓�锛屽畾瑾�(y菙)寰炲彞涓€鑸鐪嬩綔淇>寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈锛屽洜姝よ┎寰炲彞涓殑璎傝獮(y菙)瑕佺敤寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)褰㈠紡銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€This is one of the best novels that have been published this year.銆€(閫欐槸浠婂勾鍑虹増鐨勬渶浣冲皬瑾�(shu艒)涔嬩竴銆�)

銆€銆€Mr. Smith is one of those men who always think they are right.(鍙插瘑鏂厛鐢熷爆浜庨偅浜涚附鏄獚(r猫n)鐐鸿嚜宸辨纰虹殑浜�銆�)

銆€銆€He is not one of those who bow before difficulties.(浠栦笉鏄偅绋湪鍥伴洠闈㈠墠浣庨牠鐨勪汉銆�)

銆€銆€浣嗘槸鍦╰he only one of +寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈+瀹氳獮(y菙)寰炲彞鐨勭祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)涓紝瀹氳獮(y菙)寰炲彞鎳�(y墨ng)瑭茶鐪嬫垚淇>鍠暩(sh霉)鍚嶈銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€He was the only one of the boys who was praised by the teacher.銆€(浠栨槸鐢峰涓敮涓€鍙楀埌鑰佸斧琛�?y猫)P(y谩ng)鐨�銆�)

銆€銆€Helen is the only one of those girls who doesn't wear make-up.銆€(娴峰€槸閭d簺濂冲涓敮涓€涓嶅寲濡濈殑銆�)

銆€銆€separate from鏄父鐢ㄨ绲�锛屽湪鍙ュ瓙涓殑鎰忔€濇槸鈥�(浣�)鍒嗛洟锛�(浣�)鍒嗛枊(k膩i)鈥濓紝璜�(q菒ng)缈昏涓嬮潰鐨勫彞瀛愶細

銆€銆€1)鑻卞悏鍒╂捣宄芥妸鑻辨硶鍏╁湅(gu贸)闅旈枊(k膩i)銆�(The English Channel separates England from France.)

銆€銆€2)鐞嗚珫涓嶆噳(y墨ng)瑭茶劔闆㈠(sh铆)闅�銆�(Theory should not be separated from practice.)

銆€銆€the Old world鎸囨瓙锛屼簽锛岄潪涓夋床锛屾湁鏅�(sh铆)鍍呮寚姝愭床銆倀he New (World) 鎸囧摜鍊竷鐧�(f膩)鐝�(xi脿n)鐨勭編娲插ぇ闄�銆�

銆€銆€2. For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe.

銆€銆€for centuries 鎰忕偤鈥滆ū澶氫笘绱€(j矛)鈥濄€傚湪鑻辫獮(y菙)涓敤浠嬭for鍔犺〃绀烘檪(sh铆)闁撶殑寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈鐨勮〃閬�(d谩)褰㈠紡寰堝父瑕�(ji脿n)銆傝珛(q菒ng)缈昏涓嬮潰鐨勫彞瀛愶細

銆€銆€1)I haven't seen you for days. How is everything?(澶氭棩涓嶈(ji脿n)锛屼竴鍒囬兘濂藉棊?)

銆€銆€2)I haven't seen him for years锛� I am sure he has changed a lot.銆€(鎴戝骞存矑(m茅i)瑕�(ji脿n)鍒颁粬浜�锛屼粬涓€瀹氳畩浜嗕笉灏�銆�)

銆€銆€3)It seems I have been waiting for you for centuries. Where have you been?(鎴戜技涔庣瓑浜嗕綘骞惧€�(g猫)涓栫磤(j矛)浜嗭紝浣犲幓鍝厭浜�?)

銆€銆€keep鈥� from doing 鏄繏(x铆)鎱g敤娉�锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滀娇鈥︿笉鈥︹€�銆�

銆€銆€渚嬪锛欼t is really not easy to keep Father from smoking.(瑕佷娇鐖惰Κ涓嶆娊鐓欑湡涓嶅鏄撱€�)


銆€銆€1)Heavy fog kept the ships from being discovered by the enemy.銆€(澶ч湩浣垮緱鑸瑰彧鏈鏁典汉鐧�(f膩)鐝�(xi脿n)銆�)

銆€銆€2)We had no way to keep him from getting involved in the matter.銆€(鎴戝€戞矑(m茅i)鏈夎睛娉曚娇浠栦笉鍗峰叆閭d簨浠朵腑鍘�銆�)

銆€銆€3)閭gó钘ヤ娇浠栫殑鍜冲椊涓嶅啀鍔犲妵銆傘€€(The medicine keeps his cough from getting more serious.)


銆€銆€(The local people's conservative mind keeps that place from developing rapidly.)

銆€銆€3. Many wrong ideas about the Atlantic made early sailors unwilling to sail far out into it.

銆€銆€make sb. unwilling to do sth. 鎰忕偤鈥滀娇寰楁煇浜轰笉鎰垮仛鏌愪簨鈥濄€備緥濡傦細His indifference to work made everybody unwilling to cooperate with him.(浠栧皪(du矛)宸ヤ綔鐨勫喎婕犳厠(t脿i)搴︿娇寰楁墍鏈夌殑浜洪兘涓嶆効鑸囦粬鍚堜綔銆�)


銆€銆€1)His behavior at the dinner party made the host annoyed.銆€(浠栧湪鏅氬涓婄殑琛岀偤浣夸富浜哄緢鎯辩伀銆�)

銆€銆€2)That film made him famous.(閭i儴褰辩墖浣夸粬鍑轰簡鍚�銆�)

銆€銆€3)浠栧墰鎵嶇殑涓€鐣┍浣跨應楹楀緢鍌峰績銆�(What he said just now made Mary very sad.)

銆€銆€4)鑰佸斧灏�(du矛)浠栦綔鏂囩殑瑭�(p铆ng)鍍�(ji脿)浠や粬澶辨湜?锛�?The teacher's comment on his composition made him disappointed.)

銆€銆€5)What he had done made his friends hesitant to accept the invitation.(浠栫殑鎵€鐐轰娇寰椾粬鐨勬湅鍙嬪€戝皪(du矛)鎺ュ彈閭€璜�(q菒ng)鐚惰鲍涓嶆焙銆�)

銆€銆€6)浠栫殑鎻湇娴不(f猫i)浣垮緱浠栫殑鐖舵瘝涓嶆効鎰忓啀绲︿粬閷�銆�(His unthriftiness made his parents unwilling to give him any more money.)

銆€銆€4. One idea was that it reached out to 鈥渢he edge of the world鈥濄€�

銆€銆€Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.

銆€銆€閫欏叐鍊�(g猫)閮芥槸琛ㄨ獮(y菙)寰炲彞鍜屼富鍙ヤ腑鐨勭郴鍕�(d貌ng)瑭為€g敤鐨勫彞瀛�銆傜祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鐐猴細涓昏獮(y菙)+绯诲嫊(d貌ng)瑭�+琛ㄨ獮(y菙)寰炲彞銆傝珛(q菒ng)鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑渚嬪彞锛歁y idea is that we contact him as soon as possible.(鎴戠殑鎯虫硶鏄垜鍊戞噳(y墨ng)瑭茬洝蹇窡浠栬伅(li谩n)绯�銆�)


銆€銆€1) My suggestion is that we should put off the meeting.(鎴戠殑寤鸿鏄垜鍊戞噳(y墨ng)瑭叉妸鏈�(hu矛)璀板欢鏈熴€�)

銆€銆€2) One advantage of solar energy is that it will never be used up.銆€(澶櫧(y谩ng)鑳界殑涓€鍊�(g猫)鍎�(y艒u)榛�(di菐n)鏄敤涔嬩笉绔�銆�)

銆€銆€3) 鍟�(w猫n)椤屾槸浣犱笉鍦ㄦ檪(sh铆)瑾�(shu铆)鐓х瀛╁瓙銆傘€€(The problem is who will take care of the children while you are away.)

銆€銆€4) 鐪嬭捣渚�(l谩i)澶╄涓嬮洦銆�(It looks that it is going to rain.)

銆€銆€璜�(q菒ng)娉ㄦ剰杈ㄦ瀽another 鍜宱ther锛�

銆€銆€another鐢� an+other妲�(g貌u)鎴�锛屽彧鍜屽柈鏁�(sh霉)鍙暩(sh霉)鍚嶈閫g敤銆俹ther鍙敤浜庢墍鏈夊悕瑭炲墠銆俛nother+鍠暩(sh霉)鍚嶈琛ㄧず涓嶅畾鐨勨€滃彟涓€鍊�(g猫)鈥濓紝the other+鍠暩(sh霉)鍙暩(sh霉)鍚嶈琛ㄧず鐗规寚鐨勨€滃彟涓€鍊�(g猫)鈥�銆�


銆€銆€1) This idea is not very practical锛� will you think of another one?銆€(閫欏€�(g猫)涓绘剰涓嶅お瀵�(sh铆)闅涳紝浣犺兘鍙︽兂涓€鍊�(g猫)鍡�?)

銆€銆€2) This book is too difficult. Show me another one.(閫欐湰鏇�(sh奴)澶洠浜�锛岀郸鎴戠湅鍙﹀涓€鏈�銆�)

銆€銆€3) Of the three books in my bag锛� two are published in China锛� the other is published in the United States.(鎴戝寘閲岀殑涓夋湰鏇�(sh奴)涓�锛屽叐鏈槸涓湅(gu贸)鍑虹増鐨�锛屽彟涓€鏈槸缇庡湅(gu贸)鍑虹増鐨勩€�)

銆€銆€4) Tom is here锛� but where are the other boys?(婀鍦ㄩ€欏厭锛屽叾浠栫殑鐢峰鍦ㄥ摢鍏掑憿?)

銆€銆€5) I like this coat better than the other one.(鍏╀欢涓婅。涓�锛屾垜鏇村枩姝¢€欎竴浠�銆�)

銆€銆€6) This camera is more expensive than the other one.(閫欐灦鐓х浉姗�(j墨)姣斿彟涓€鏋惰泊銆�)

銆€銆€boiling hot鎰忔€濇槸鈥滄痪鐔辩殑锛岄叿鐔辩殑鈥�銆傛铏曠殑boiling涓嶆槸褰㈠瑭炶€屾槸鍓锛岃〃绀虹啽鐨勭▼搴�锛屼慨椋緃ot.

銆€銆€5. Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth.


銆€銆€1) I am afraid that I can not finish the article in two hours.銆€(鎴戞摂(d膩n)蹇冩垜鍏╁皬鏅�(sh铆)鍏�(n猫i)瀵�(xi臎)涓嶅畬閫欑瘒鏂囩珷銆�)

銆€銆€2) He was afraid that he couldn't give you a definite answer.銆€(浠栨摂(d膩n)蹇冧粬涓嶈兘绲︿綘涓€鍊�(g猫)鏄庣⒑鐨勭瓟寰�(f霉)銆�)

銆€銆€3) I am afraid that I have made a mistake.(鎴戞摂(d膩n)蹇冭嚜宸辩姱浜嗕竴鍊�(g猫)閷�(cu貌)瑾ゃ€�)

銆€銆€4) We are confident that we can overcome all the difficulties.銆€(鎴戝€戠浉淇¤嚜宸辫兘鍏嬫湇鎵€鏈夌殑鍥伴洠銆�)

銆€銆€灏�(du矛)鈥渂e + 褰㈠瑭� + that寮曡捣鐨勫緸鍙モ€濋€欓绲�(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)锛岃獮(y菙)娉曞鍊戞湁鐨勮獚(r猫n)鐐簍hat寰炲彞鍋氳硴瑾�(y菙)鐢�锛屾湁鐨勮獚(r猫n)鐐簍hat寰炲彞鍋氱媭瑾�(y菙)鐢�銆傛牴鎿�(j霉)鍙ュ瓙鐨勯倧杓剰缇╀締(l谩i)鍒ゆ柗涔熻ū姣旇純鏂逛究涓€浜�銆傚锛欼'm sorry that you failed the exam again. 閫欏€�(g猫)鍙ュ瓙涓殑that寰炲彞璧风媭瑾�(y菙)浣滅敤锛岀浉鐣�(d膩ng)浜庘€溾€ecause you failed the exam again.鈥�

銆€銆€6. The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific锛屸€�

銆€銆€鍦ㄧ涓€鍠厓涓垜鍊戣◣璜栭亷(gu貌)鍓鐨勫悓绛夋瘮杓冦€傛湰鍙ヤ腑as big as 鍓囨槸褰㈠瑭炵殑鍚岀瓑姣旇純銆傚湪閫欓鍙ュ瓙涓紝鍙互鏈夎〃绀虹▼搴︾殑鐙€瑾�(y菙)銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) This book is not half as interesting as that one.(閫欐湰鏇�(sh奴)閭勪笉濡傞偅鏈浉(sh奴)涓€鍗婃湁瓒�銆�)

銆€銆€2) My monthly income is only half as much as his.(鎴戠殑鏈堟敹鍏ュ彧鏈変粬鐨勪竴鍗婂銆�)

銆€銆€3) This year our university will enroll three times as many students as it did the year before last.(鎴戝€戝(xu茅)鏍′粖骞寸殑鎷涚敓浜烘暩(sh霉)灏囨槸鍓嶅勾鐨勪笁鍊�銆�)


銆€銆€1) 鎴戠殑鑻辫獮(y菙)鍙h獮(y菙)閭勪笉鍙婁綘鐨勪竴鍗婃祦鍒�銆�(My spoken English is not half as fluent as yours.)

銆€銆€2) 閫欏彧鎵嬫彁绠遍倓娌�(m茅i)鏈夐偅鍙墜鎻愮涓€鍗婇噸銆�(This suitcase is not half as heavy as that one.)

銆€銆€3) 閫欏€�(g猫)鎴块枔鏄偅鍊�(g猫)鎴块枔鐨勫叐鍊嶃€�(This room is twice as large as that one.)

銆€銆€7. But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water was brought to it by rivers.

銆€銆€suppose 甯稿父鍋氬嫊(d貌ng)瑭炵敤锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滃亣瀹�;鐚滄兂;瑾�(r猫n)鐐衡€濄€備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) Let's suppose it to be true.(璁撴垜鍊戝亣瀹氶€欐槸鐪熺殑銆�)

銆€銆€2) I suppose he is very nervous.(鎴戠寽鎯充粬寰堢穵寮�銆�)

銆€銆€3) I supposed him to be an honest man锛� but he often tells lies.銆€(鎴戜互鐐轰粬寰堣獱(ch茅ng)瀵�(sh铆)锛屼粬鍗荤稉(j墨ng)甯歌(shu艒)璎娿€�)

銆€銆€鍦ㄦ湰鍙ヤ腑suppose(涔熷彲浠ョ敤supposing)鏄竴鍊�(g猫)閫h锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滃亣瑷�(sh猫)(= if);鍋囦娇鈥︾祼(ji茅)鏋滄渻(hu矛)鎬庝箞妯b€�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) Suppose he is ill锛� what shall we do?(鍋囧浠栫梾浜嗭紝鎴戝€�?c猫)瓒哄磾k?)

銆€銆€2) Suppose a tiger should come out of the cage?銆€(濡傛灉涓€鍙€佽檸寰炵睜瀛愪腑璺戝嚭渚�(l谩i)鎬庝箞杈�?)

銆€銆€3) Suppose something should go wrong?(濡傛灉鍑轰簡浠€涔堝晱(w猫n)椤屾渻(hu矛)鎬庝箞妯�?)

銆€銆€8. It would take the ocean about 4000 years to dry up.

銆€銆€it takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 鏄緢甯哥敤鐨勪竴鍊�(g猫)鍙ュ瀷銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) 鎴戦◣鑷杌婂埌瀛�(xu茅)鏍¤鑺卞崐灏忔檪(sh铆)銆�(It takes me half an hour to get to school by bike.)

銆€銆€2) 浠栬姳浜嗗叐鍊�(g猫)鏄熸湡鏅�(sh铆)闁撴墠鐪嬪畬閭f湰鏇�(sh奴)銆�(It took him two weeks to finish reading that book.)


銆€銆€1) It took the boy three hours to finish his homework.(閭e€�(g猫)鐢峰鑺变簡3灏忔檪(sh铆)鎵嶅(xi臎)瀹屼綔妤�(y猫)銆�)

銆€銆€2) It takes less than 4 hours to get to Shanghai by train from Nanjing.(寰炲崡浜箻鐏粖鍒颁笂娴峰彧瑕佷笉鍒�4灏忔檪(sh铆)銆�)

銆€銆€3) 浠栬姳浜�4澶╂檪(sh铆)闁撴墠璧板嚭瀵嗘灄銆�(It took him 4 days to go out of the forest.)

銆€銆€4) 鐓ч¨涓€鍊�(g猫)鐢熺梾鐨勮€佷汉瑕佽姳瑷卞鏅�(sh铆)闁�銆�(It will take a great deal of time to look after a sick old man.

銆€銆€9. On the average the water is a little more than two miles deep锛� but in places it is much deeper.

銆€銆€on the average鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滃钩鍧囪€岃█鈥�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) On the average锛� they drove 70 miles an hour.(浠栧€戝钩鍧囨瘡灏忔檪(sh铆)琛岄70鑻遍噷銆�)

銆€銆€2) On the average锛� they spend 20 yuan on food every day.(浠栧€戝钩鍧囨瘡澶╄姳20濉婇將鍚冮/銆�)

銆€銆€a little 鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑淇>more锛岃〃绀虹▼搴�锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滀竴榛�(di菐n)鍏�锛岀◢瑷扁€�銆俶uch鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑淇>deeper锛屼篃琛ㄧず绋嬪害锛屽姞寮�(qi谩ng)褰㈠瑭炴瘮杓冪礆(j铆)锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥溾€﹀鈥濄€備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) I feel a little cold.(鎴戣(ju茅)寰楁湁榛�(di菐n)鍐�銆�)

銆€銆€2) He spent a little more than 20 yuan yesterday.(鏄ㄥぉ浠栬姳浜�20濉婂涓€榛�(di菐n)鍏掋€�)

銆€銆€3) I feel much better now.(鎴戠従(xi脿n)鍦ㄦ劅瑕�(ju茅)濂藉浜嗐€�)

銆€銆€4) She is much more careful this time.(濂归€欎竴娆$窗(x矛)蹇冨浜�銆�)


銆€銆€1) 骞蹭簡涓€澶╃殑宸ヤ綔锛屾垜瑕�(ju茅)寰楁湁榛�(di菐n)绱€�(I feel a little tired after a day's work.)

銆€銆€2) 濂瑰皪(du矛)濂圭殑鍚屽(xu茅)鏈夐粸(di菐n)涓嶅弸濂�銆�(She is a little unfriendly to her classmates.)

銆€銆€3) 鑱�(t墨ng)浜嗛偅鍊�(g猫)娑堟伅浠栭枊(k膩i)蹇冨浜�銆�(He was much happier after hearing that news.)

銆€銆€10. This 鈥渄eep鈥� measures 30锛�246 feet鈥曗€昦lmost 6 miles (9.6km)銆�


銆€銆€measure 鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑鍋氬嫊(d貌ng)瑭炵敤锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滄脯(c猫)閲忊€�锛屸€滄湁鈥︽繁鈥�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) This room measures 10 metres across.(閫欏€�(g猫)鎴块枔瀵�10绫�銆�)

銆€銆€2) The bridge measures 17 kilometres long.(閫欏骇姗嬮暦(zh菐ng)17鍏噷銆�)

銆€銆€3) The water tank only measures 2 metres deep.(閫欏彧姘寸鍙湁2绫虫繁銆�)

銆€銆€11. One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic.

銆€銆€鏈彞涓殑 longest鑸囪鏂囧墠骞炬涓嚭鐝�(xi脿n)鐨刵arrowest锛宻altiest锛宒eepest涓€妯o紝閮芥槸褰㈠瑭炵殑鏈€楂樼礆(j铆)褰㈠紡銆傚洜?y脿n)妾獲骞惧€�(g猫)瑭炴槸鍠煶绡€(ji茅)瑭炴垨鏄互鍏冮煶绲�(ji茅)灏剧殑闆欓煶绡€(ji茅)瑭烇紝鎵€浠�锛屾渶楂樼礆(j铆)鐨勬(g貌u)鎴愭槸鍦ㄨ灏惧姞-est.灏�(du矛)浜庡ぇ閮ㄥ垎鍏╁€�(g猫)闊崇瘈(ji茅)浠ヤ笂鐨勫舰瀹硅锛屾渶楂樼礆(j铆)鐨勬(g貌u)鎴愭槸鍦ㄥ舰瀹硅鍓嶉潰鍔爉ost.璜�(q菒ng)鐪嬩緥鍙ワ細

銆€銆€1) He wants to make everybody believe that he is the happiest person in the world.(浠栨兂浣挎瘡涓€鍊�(g猫)浜虹浉淇′粬鏄笘鐣屼笂鏈€骞哥鐨勪汉銆�)

銆€銆€2) This is the strongest horse I have ever seen.(閫欐槸鎴戞墍瑕�(ji脿n)閬�(gu貌)鐨勬渶寮�(qi谩ng)澹殑棣�銆�)

銆€銆€3) The boss wanted to find the most careful employees.(鑰佹澘鎯虫壘鏈€绱�(x矛)蹇冪殑闆囧伐銆�)

銆€銆€4) 榛冨北鏄垜鎵€鐭ラ亾鐨勬渶缇庣殑灞变箣涓€銆�(Yellow Mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains I have ever known.)

銆€銆€5) 閫欐楂橀€熷叕璺槸涓湅(gu贸)鏈€闀�(zh菐ng)鐨�銆�(This express way is one of the longest in China. )

銆€銆€6) 閫欐湰鏇�(sh奴)鏄笁鏈浉(sh奴)涓渶鏈夋剰鎬濈殑銆�(This book is the most interesting of the three.)

銆€銆€rise 鏄竴鍊�(g猫)涓嶅強鐗╁嫊(d貌ng)瑭�锛屽湪鍙ュ瓙涓殑鎰忔€濇槸鈥滃崌璧�;闅嗚捣鈥�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) The sun rises in the east.(澶櫧(y谩ng)鍦ㄦ澅鏂瑰崌璧�銆�)

銆€銆€2) Give the child some medicine锛� his temperature is rising.銆€銆€(绲﹀瀛愭湇钘�锛屼粬鐨勯珨婧湪鍗囬珮銆�)

銆€銆€3) The mountain peak rises above the clouds.(灞卞嘲楂樿伋鍏ヤ簯銆�)


銆€銆€1) rise 涓嶅強鐗╁嫊(d貌ng)瑭� (璧风珛;涓婂崌锛岄珮鑱�;娴従(xi脿n))

銆€銆€The old lady rose to her feet when she heard the doorbell.

銆€銆€The tower rises to a height of 70 feet.

銆€銆€An idea rises in my mind.

銆€銆€2) raise 鍙婄墿鍕�(d貌ng)瑭� (鑸夎捣;椁�(y菐ng)鑲�;鎻愰珮;鍙泦)

銆€銆€If you have any questions锛� please raise your hands.

銆€銆€When Father was in the army锛� Mother had a hard time raising three children.

銆€銆€The management promised to raise the workers'salary after the negotiation.

銆€銆€He failed to raise the money for his father's heart operation.

銆€銆€3) arise 涓嶅強鐗╁嫊(d貌ng)瑭� (鍗囪捣;鍑虹従(xi脿n);鐢扁€﹀紩璧�)

銆€銆€Heavy smoke arose beyond the mountain.

銆€銆€New problems arise when old ones are solved.

銆€銆€His illness arose from malnutrition.

銆€銆€4) arouse 鍙婄墿鍕�(d貌ng)瑭� (鍠氶啋;婵€璧�锛屽紩璧�)

銆€銆€The noise outside aroused him from sleep.

銆€銆€The music aroused a feeling of homesickness in him.


銆€銆€1) He lives on the seventh floor.(浠栦綇鍦�7妯�銆�)

銆€銆€2) The wood floor gives a feeling of warmth in the winter.銆€(鍐ぉ鏅�(sh铆)锛屾湪鍦版澘绲︽垜婧殩鐨勬劅瑕�(ju茅)銆�)

銆€銆€3) He was given the floor at the meeting.(浠栧湪鏈�(hu矛)涓婂緱鍒颁簡鐧�(f膩)瑷€娆�(qu谩n)銆�)

銆€銆€4)He decided to floor the kitchen with plastic tiles.(浠栨焙瀹氱敤濉戞枡纾氶嫪寤氭埧鍦伴潰銆�)

銆€銆€12. The tops of a few of the mountains reach up above the sea and make island

銆€銆€top 鍦ㄥ彞涓仛鍚嶈鐢�锛屾剰鎬濇槸鈥滈爞閮�锛屽北闋傗€�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€1) He was the first to climb to the top of the hill.(浠栫涓€鍊�(g猫)鐖笂灞遍爞銆�)

銆€銆€2) When we stand on the top of the mountain锛� the whole city is in sight.(鎴戝€戠珯鍦ㄥ北闋傛檪(sh铆)锛屾暣鍊�(g猫)鍩庡競鐩℃敹鐪煎簳)


銆€銆€1) He shouted at the top of his voice.(浠栨斁鑱查珮鍙�銆�)-n.

銆€銆€2) He is running at the top of his speed.(浠栨浠ユ渶蹇殑閫熷害濂旇窇銆�)-n.

銆€銆€3) He is the top student in the class.(浠栨槸鐝笂鐨勫皷瀛愬(xu茅)鐢�銆�)-adj.

銆€銆€4) This is the top news of the week.(閫欐槸鏈懆鐨勯牠姊濇柊鑱�銆�)-adj.

銆€銆€5) His father is a top diplomatic advisor.(浠栫埗瑕槸楂樼礆(j铆)澶栦氦椤у晱(w猫n)銆�)-adj.

銆€銆€6) Mother is going to top the cake with cream.(濯藉婧�(zh菙n)鍌欏湪铔嬬硶涓婃締濂舵补銆�)-v.

銆€銆€7) He tops his father by half a head.(浠栨瘮鐖惰Κ楂樺嚭鍗婂€�(g猫)闋€�)-v.

銆€銆€8) She needs a new skirt to match her top.(濂归渶瑕佷竴姊濇柊瑁欏瓙閰嶅ス鐨勪笂琛�銆�)-n.


銆€銆€come out top(鍚嶅垪鍓嶈寘) come out on top(鍑轰汉闋湴) from top to bottom(寰炰笂鍒颁笅锛屽竟搴曞湴) from top to toe(寰為牠鍒拌叧;瀹屽叏) on top of the world(闈炲父骞哥;蹇冩豢鎰忚冻)

銆€銆€13. Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea.

銆€銆€called the Sargasso Sea 鏄慨椋緊cean鐨勫畾瑾�(y菙)寰炲彞锛屽湪鍏跺墠鐪佸幓浜唚hich is.


銆€銆€1) Opportunities are often thing (that) you have not noticed the first time around.


銆€銆€2) There is much (that) the little boy can do.(鏈夎ū澶氭槸閭e皬鐢峰鑳藉仛銆�)

銆€銆€3)He is the right person (that) I want to discuss the problem with.(浠栨鏄垜鎯宠垏鍏惰◣璜栭€欏€�(g猫)鍟�(w猫n)椤岀殑浜恒€�)

銆€銆€14. In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here. Sometimes they were.


銆€銆€1) In his boyhood days锛� he often went swimming and fishing with his friends.(鍦ㄤ粬鐨勭骞存檪(sh铆)浠o紝浠栧父甯稿拰浼欎即鍊戜竴璧锋父娉�锛岄嚕榄�(y煤)銆�)

銆€銆€2) In the days of Queen Victoria锛� the British colony expanded rapidly.(鍦ㄧ董澶氬埄浜炲コ鐜嬫檪(sh铆)浠�锛岃嫳鍦�(gu贸)娈栨皯鍦拌繀閫熸摯(ku貌)寮点€�)

銆€銆€3) He has experienced a lot of hardships in his days.(浠栦竴鐢熶腑鍚冧簡瑷卞鑻�銆�)

銆€銆€crew鏄竴鍊�(g猫)闆嗗悎鍚嶈锛屾寚鈥滃叏楂旇埞鍝♀€�锛屽悗闈㈢殑璎傝獮(y菙)鍕�(d貌ng)瑭炲彲浠ョ敤鍠暩(sh霉)涔熷彲浠ョ敤寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)锛屾鍙ヤ腑璎傝獮(y菙)鍕�(d貌ng)瑭炵敤鐨勬槸寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)were锛屽洜?y脿n)闁烘湪娓ュ張閿屾ⅱ閰濊將鍠戦崻绐僑澶歷essels(鑸�)涓婄殑鑸瑰摗銆係ometimes they were.鍙ュ瓙涓渷鐣ecalmed.

銆€銆€15. The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores.

銆€銆€furnish sth. to sb. 鎰忔€濇槸鈥滅偤鈥︽彁渚涒€�锛屾垜鍊戝悓妯e彲浠ョ敤furnish sb. with sth.渚�(l谩i)琛ㄩ仈(d谩)閫欏€�(g猫)鎰忔€�銆備緥濡傦細

銆€銆€They furnished blankets and food to the refugees.(浠栧€�?y艒u)娈姘戜緵鎳�(y墨ng)姣瓙鍜岄鐗�銆�)

銆€銆€No one expected that he would furnish the information to the opponent.(瑾�(shu铆)涔熸矑(m茅i)鏈夋枡鍒颁粬鏈�(hu矛)鎶婃秷鎭彁渚涚郸灏�(du矛)鎵嬨€�)

銆€銆€Luckily锛� they have furnished us with a car and all the necessary maps.(骞搁亱(y霉n)鐨勬槸浠栧€�?y艒u)妲茶鍏插硜鈹濊墭鎯爒姹借粖鍜屾墍鏈夊繀瑕佺殑鍦板湒銆�)

銆€銆€16. One of its famous fishing regions锛� the Grand Banks锛� is near Newfoundland.

銆€銆€the Grand Banks鍦ㄥ彞瀛愪腑鍋氬悓浣嶈獮(y菙)銆傝珛(q菒ng)鐪嬩笅闈㈢殑渚嬪彞锛�

銆€銆€1) This theory was advanced by Einstein锛� a famous scientist.銆€銆€(閫欏€�(g猫)鐞嗚珫鏄敱钁楀悕绉戝(xu茅)瀹舵剾(脿i)鍥犳柉鍧︽彁鍑虹殑銆�)

銆€銆€2) This is Mr. Benjamin锛� dean of our department.(閫欐槸鎴戝€戠郴涓讳换鏈澃鏄庡厛鐢�銆�)

銆€銆€3) Qinghai Lake锛� the largest inland body of salt water in China锛� lies 3锛�198 metres above sea-level.(涓湅(gu贸)鏈€澶х殑鍏�(n猫i)闄稿捀姘存箹闈掓捣婀栨捣鎷�3锛�198绫�銆�)



銆€銆€1. separate from銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ 銆€2. keep sb. from doing sth.

銆€銆€3. be unwilling to do sth. 銆€ 銆€銆€4. between A and B

銆€銆€5. make sth unusual銆€銆€銆€銆€ 銆€6. so鈥hat

銆€銆€7. dry up銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ 銆€8. on the average

銆€銆€9. rise from銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ 銆€10. furnish sth for sb.

銆€銆€11. pile up銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€ 銆€ 12. from鈥o



銆€銆€1) The Atlantic is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

銆€銆€2) Ocean currents affect the climates of the land near which they flow.


銆€銆€1) One idea was that it reached out to 鈥渢he edge of the world鈥�銆�

銆€銆€2) Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.


銆€銆€1) There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is.

銆€銆€2) We now have such fast ways of travelling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.


銆€銆€1) The Atlantic is only half as big as the Pacific锛� but still it is very large.

銆€銆€2) It is more than 4锛�000 miles wide where Columbus crossed it.

銆€銆€3) Even at its narrowest it is about 2锛�000 miles wide.

銆€銆€4) Also锛� it is the world's saltiest ocean.

銆€銆€5) The deepest spot is near Puerto Rico.

銆€銆€E.be one of+寰�(f霉)鏁�(sh霉)鍚嶈

銆€銆€The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

銆€銆€F.it takes sb. some time to do sth.

銆€銆€It would take the ocean about 4锛�000 years to dry up.



銆€銆€Asia (浜炴床) Europe(姝愭床) Africa(闈炴床) North America(鍖楃編娲�)

銆€銆€South America(鍗楃編娲�) Oceania (澶ф磱娲�) the Antarctic(鍗楁サ娲�)

銆€銆€The Atlantic(澶цタ娲�) the Pacific(澶钩娲�) the Indian(鍗板害娲�) the Arctic(鍖楀啺娲�)


銆€銆€continent (澶ч櫢) continental shelf(澶ч櫢鏋�) subcontinent(娆″ぇ闄�) iceberg(鍐板北)

銆€銆€mountain range(灞辫剤) volcano(鐏北) delta (涓夎娲�) waterfall(鐎戝竷)

銆€銆€gulf(娴风仯) straits; channel(娴峰辰) coast line (娴峰哺绶�) beach(娴风仒)

銆€銆€3. 澶цタ娲嬩箣鏈€

銆€銆€1) The Atlantic is the second largest ocean in the world

銆€銆€2) The Atlantic is the saltiest ocean in the world

銆€銆€3) Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean.

銆€銆€4) Gulf Stream is the strongest warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean.

銆€銆€5) The Grand Banks near Newfoundland is the most prosperous fishing region in the world.

銆€銆€6) The drainage area of the Atlantic is four times that of the Pacific or the Indian.

銆€銆€2. 涓昏灞捣鍜屽扯宥�

銆€銆€the Mississippi 瀵嗚タ瑗挎瘮娌� the Hudson 鍝堝緱閬滄渤 the Amazon 浜為Μ閬滄渤

銆€銆€the Congo 鍓涙灉娌� Baffin Bay 宸磋姮鐏� the Nigeria 灏兼棩鍒╀簽娌�

銆€銆€the Rhine 钀婅尩娌� the Caribbean Sea 鍔犲嫆姣旀捣 the Mexican Gulf 澧ㄨタ鍝ョ仯

銆€銆€the Hudson Bay 鍝堝緱閬滅仯 the Mediterranean Sea 鍦颁腑娴� the Black Sea 榛戞捣

銆€銆€the North Sea 鍖楁捣 the Baltic Sea 娉㈢緟鐨勫厠娴� Iceland 鍐板扯

銆€銆€Greenland 鏍奸櫟铇扯 Faeroe Islands 娉曠緟缇ゅ扯 Shetland Islands 瑷�(sh猫)寰楄槶宄�

銆€銆€Bermudas 鐧炬厱澶х兢宄� Azores 浜為€熺埦缇ゅ扯 Grenada 鏍奸櫟绱嶉仈(d谩)宄�

銆€銆€Antilles 瀹夌殑鍒楁柉缇ゅ扯 Trinidad Islands 鐗归噷灏奸仈(d谩)缇ゅ扯 Malvinas Islands 棣埦缍磵鏂兢宄�

銆€銆€Bahamas 宸村搱棣兢宄�

銆€銆€Text B The Moon


銆€銆€1. tie to(鑸団€﹁伅(li谩n)绯诲湪涓€璧�;浣挎潫绺涗簬鈥�)

銆€銆€He is seriously ill and has been tied to his bed for almost a month.銆€銆€(浠栫梾寰楀幉瀹�锛屽凡缍�(j墨ng)鑷ュ簥杩戜竴鍊�(g猫)鏈堜簡銆�)

銆€銆€Study ties smoking to many diseases.(鎿�(j霉)鐮旂┒锛岃ū澶氱柧鐥呰垏鎶界厵鏈夐棞(gu膩n)銆�)

銆€銆€I am sorry I didn't have the time to go shopping with you. I was tied to housework.(寰堟姳姝夋垜娌�(m茅i)鑳芥湁鏅�(sh铆)闁撳拰浣犱竴璧峰幓璩�(g貌u)鐗�锛屽鍕�(w霉)闆滀簨鎶婃垜鎷翠綇浜嗐€�)

銆€銆€2. except for(闄や簡鈥︿箣澶�)

銆€銆€The room is empty except for some chairs.(鎴块枔閲岄櫎浜嗕竴浜涙瀛愮┖钑╄暕銆�)

銆€銆€Your composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes.(闄や簡骞捐檿鎷煎(xi臎)閷�(cu貌)瑾�锛屼綘鐨勬枃绔犲(xi臎)鐨勪笉閷�(cu貌))

銆€銆€3. be near to(闈犺繎)

銆€銆€The park is near to our school. Let's go boating.(鍏湌闆㈡垜鍊戝(xu茅)鏍″緢杩�锛屾垜鍊�?n猫i)顨夋緤顑嬩紴?

銆€銆€The police station is near to our community. It is within walking distance.


銆€銆€4. face towards(鏈濆悜)

銆€銆€My office is in the building that faces towards the street.(鎴戠殑杈﹀叕瀹ゅ湪閭e骇鏈濊鐨勬〒閲�銆�)

銆€銆€His new house faces towards the south.(浠栫殑鏂版埧瀛愭湞鍗�銆�)

銆€銆€5. keep鈥n mind(鎶娾€﹁鍦ㄥ績閲�)

銆€銆€I am not sure if he would keep what you have said in mind.銆€(鎴戜笉鑳借偗瀹氫粬鏄惁鏈�(hu矛)鎶婁綘瑾�(shu艒)鐨勮┍瑷樺湪蹇冮噷銆�)

銆€銆€I will keep this in mind for future reference.(鎴戞渻(hu矛)瑷樹綇閫欏€�(g猫)锛屼緵浠ュ悗鍙冭€冦€�)

銆€銆€6. light up(璁婁寒;浣垮鍏夌叆鐧�(f膩))

銆€銆€Her face lighted up when she heard the news.(鑱�(t墨ng)鍒伴偅鍊�(g猫)娑堟伅锛屽ス闈㈤湶鍠滆壊銆�)

銆€銆€His face was lighted (lit) up with excitement.(浠栧洜鑸堝ギ鑰屾豢闈㈡槬棰�(f膿ng)銆�)

銆€銆€7. reflect(鍙嶅皠)

銆€銆€Mirrors reflect light.(閺″瓙鍙嶅皠鍏夈€�)

銆€銆€The white sand reflected the sun's heat(鐧芥矙鍦板弽灏勫お闄�(y谩ng)鐨勭啽姘�銆�)銆�

銆€銆€The light reflected from the water into my eyes.(鍏夌窔鎶曢亷(gu貌)姘撮潰鍙嶅皠鍒版垜鐪奸噷銆�)

銆€銆€8. 鈥nough for sb. to do sth.(瓒充互璁撴煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨)

銆€銆€The room is big enough for us to have a dancing party.銆€(閫欓枔鎴垮澶т簡锛屾垜鍊戝彲浠ュ湪閲岄潰闁�(k膩i)鑸炴渻(hu矛)銆�)

銆€銆€The basket is light enough for the little boy to carry.(閫欏彧绫冨瓙寰堣紩锛岄偅鍊�(g猫)灏忕敺瀛╄兘鎻愬嫊(d貌ng)銆�)

銆€銆€9. speak of(鎻愬埌锛岃(shu艒)璧�)

銆€銆€I have never heard him speak of his past.(鎴戝緸渚�(l谩i)娌�(m茅i)鏈夎伣(t墨ng)浠栨彁璧蜂粬鐨勯亷(gu貌)鍘汇€�)

銆€銆€She always looks proud when she speaks of her son.銆€(瑾�(shu艒)鍒板ス鐨勫厭瀛愬ス绺芥槸寰堣嚜璞殑妯e瓙銆�)

銆€銆€10. otherwise(涓嶇劧;鍙﹀鐨�)

銆€銆€He reminded me of what I might otherwise have forgotten.銆€銆€(浠栨彁閱掍簡鎴�锛屼笉鐒舵垜鍙兘鏈�(hu矛)蹇樿閭d欢浜�銆�)

銆€銆€He is a little careless锛� but he is otherwise quite suitable for the job.(浠栨湁榛�(di菐n)绮楀績锛岄櫎姝や互澶栵紝浠栧€掓槸寰堥仼鍚堥€欏€�(g猫)宸ヤ綔鐨�銆�)

銆€銆€He is honest锛� but his twin brother is otherwise.(浠栧緢瑾�(ch茅ng)瀵�(sh铆)锛岃€屼粬鐨勫鐢熷厔寮熷墖涓嶇劧銆�)

銆€銆€11. nothing but(鍍呭儏锛岄櫎浜嗏€︿箣澶栨矑(m茅i)鏈変粈涔�)

銆€銆€There is nothing but a piece of bread in the cupboard.(椋熸閲岄櫎浜嗕竴鐗囬潰鍖呬粈涔堜篃娌�(m茅i)鏈�銆�)

銆€銆€He asked for nothing but trust.(闄や簡淇′换锛屼粬浠€涔堣姹傞兘娌�(m茅i)鏈�銆�)



鏇村淇℃伅璜�(q菒ng)?ji膩n)L鍟�(w猫n)锛�鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│闋婚亾    鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│璜栧

鍒嗕韩鍒帮細 绶ㄨ集锛氱挵(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍�

璩囨枡涓嬭級 绮鹃伕瑾茬▼ 鑰佸斧鐩存挱 鐪熼绶寸繏(x铆)


鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│姝峰勾鐪熼涓嬭級 鏇村

鑷(xu茅)鑰冭│姣忔棩涓€绶� 鎵撳崱鏃ユ



鐠�(hu谩n)鐞冪恫(w菐ng)鏍$Щ鍕�(d貌ng)瑾插爞APP 鐩存挱銆佽伣(t墨ng)瑾层€傝伔閬�(d谩)鏈締(l谩i)锛�






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